Meghan Markle reportedly files for divorce from Prince Harry for US$80 mln

Sympathy abounded online for Prince Harry, who left the British royal family and his homeland in order to move with Markle to the US.

Newsweek, however, clarified that the claim is no more credible than similar rumors.

The butler of Prince Harry and Markle also revealed to several British newspapers that the end of their relationship is certain, reportedly after Harry realized Megan’s true nature.

Markle and Harry have already separated and are living independently, according to journalist and expert on the affairs of the British royal family Tom Bower, however the news has not been publicly confirmed yet.

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  1. There are no children so she can have custody of the rubber dolls she bought. And 80 million will never happen considering she was an escort working for Jeffery Ebstien. Also her porn movies will diminish her worth. She was not even good at that apparently. Harry was a fool and he needs to be raked over the coals for backing up her lies. King Charles will take her title back. They don’t let cheap mattress actresses in to the Royal Family. Her rubber babies can not give Charles any D.N.A. so I think she is screwed,and done on all counts.

    1. I totally agree with your comment. I hate the mulatto, and I have always said that she is a social climber, she only cared about money and the title, which neither she nor that stupid Harry knew how to keep, this is worse than what happened with Edward VIII, at least they lived like people, and now “the little duchess of Hollywood” will lose everything. And yes, she should keep her children, who are of no use to the Crown just like their parents!!!

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